Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy (PT) restores function, improves mobility, relieves pain, and prevents or limits permanent physical disabilities. Physical therapists facilitate improved strength, endurance, and balance needed for transferring, standing, and walking. Physical therapy improves and restores function in residents with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), CVA (stroke), TBI (traumatic brain injuries), fractures, arthritis, low back pain, general weakness, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Our therapy department is not just set up for seniors, as each year a bigger and bigger portion of our clients are young people in their 20’s and 30’s. We treat motor vehicle accident victims as well as sports related injuries. Our therapists are cross trained to cover a wide array of client injuries, and have successfully enabled patients to go home after completing their treatment.
Regaining one’s independance is the goal of each therapy discipline, and it is critical that all disciplines work together toward this goal, which is why we often work on these different programs in the same treatment area. That way each therapist is in tune with what each other is doing, which can speed up recovery time and get people back home more quickly. We encourage families to get involved daily with the therapy department and become an active participant by attending treatment sessions. This plays a huge part in resident motivation and can dramatically improve residents performance, thus reducing recovery time.